Days After 是一款末日生存游戏,在游戏中,你必须面对僵尸末日最可怕的后果:饥饿、感染、突袭者和成群的不死生物。做好准备,在这款动作冒险游戏中战斗、射击、建造和制作。在僵尸横行的世界里找到求生之路,学习生存技能,并在世界末日对僵尸发起反击。迷雾求生模拟器正在等待新的英雄! 欢迎来到僵尸末日的世界!僵尸觉醒开始, 由人类主宰的时代已经过去。这是僵尸战争..
Forge of Glory是一款激动人心的全新角色扮演类三维动作游戏,你需要在游戏中与世界各地的真实玩家战斗,成为最强大的奇幻领主。收集灵魂石,召唤传奇英雄:拥有特殊身份和独特技能的战士、盗贼、法师、弓手!增强你的终极队伍! 围攻无敌城堡选择你的战略,突袭其他领主,夺取他们的宝藏!建造一座城镇并让它成为坚不可摧的堡垒!收集罕见怪物,训练它们,利用它们的魔法..
新手引导太史了,农场那么难根本不是新手能打的也不说,而且耐久是真的幽默,打不死几只僵尸枪就爆了,然后单人模式开背包外界也不暂停,枪爆了连开背包换武器都不行,要么冲出去,要么就原地交代在那爆装备。。。。 ---------- Hello! We tried to make the game as close as possible to life in the world after the apocalypse, therefore your weapons have their levels of durability like in real life. The more you use them, the faster they get destroyed and then break down completely. That's also the reason why the game can't be paused when you are doing something. Good luck:)
不趁人气高时,优化和增加玩法,反而变成充值游戏和浪费时间游戏 ---------- Hey there! Could you please describe your ideas? We'd love to hear about things that can be improved :)
建议体力可以多一点,希望能出多一些活动不然有点无聊,因为这个游戏就是肝 ---------- Hey! Thanks for the review! Our game represents the real atmosphere of the post-apocalyptic world. That's why you need to spend your energy to move around. But you can always refill it by watching the ads or getting the fiber that is provided by Healer. Good luck in the game:)
绑定不了谷歌,点了没反应,点苹果绑定就行,而且游戏总是断网 ---------- Hello! You need to write to our support by tapping the "Support" button in the game settings, we will examine your situation in detail and tell you what can be done!
关于炸档的问题,在游戏看广告的时候有一些操作会导致除了人物的存档都将重置。 在2年前的存档因为广告问题充值之后,我选择退游,但是现在听到已经解决此问题后我选择重新游玩,这款游戏陪伴我从10岁到成年,希望游戏的可玩性越来越好,但是不得不说里面体力恢复真的是十分的漫长,对于一款国外的游戏我无法进行游戏充值,这对我来说十分的难受,因此让这款游戏变得十分的肝,我不懂你能否明白肝的意思,对于游戏来说肝就是需要花费大量时间去做一些效率低下的事情,所以我希望可以调整游戏的一些细节,十分感谢。 ---------- Hey there! We've sorted out that pesky ad problem, but if it still keeps bugging you, just hit up our support agents through the Support button in the game settings. They'll help us figure out what's causing this glitch. No worries, we've got you covered!
我辛辛苦苦打完的农场,突然更新一下。直接刷新了,我东西还没拿完(இωஇ )我的枪什么都没拿。现在又得重新打 现在可以确定以为是bug了,军事地堡还没刷新完,探索的第2层突然刷新了。人麻了 ---------- Hi! Sorry this happened to you :( We would like to know more about the situation. Could you please get in touch with us via Support button in the game settings and provide us with more details? Have a good day!
虽然我知道弹坑是不会更新的 但是我觉得弹坑真的很有潜力 希望可以更新一些新的东西 例如新BOSS 武器 地图类似的 而不是只更新单机 ---------- Hello! We're constantly working on new content to provide y'all with exciting adventures. Check the news in our communities and Discord to find out more about our plans. We hope to see you around!
游戏很好,但一直卡屏,糟糕的体验。 ---------- Hi! Thanks for the feedback. For stable performance, try to check the quality of the Internet connection and free up the RAM. If the issue still persists, kindly reach out to our customer support in the game settings for further assistance!
关于炸档的问题,在游戏看广告的时候有一些操作会导致除了人物的存档都将重置 ---------- Hey there! We've sorted out that pesky ad problem, but if it still keeps bugging you, just hit up our support agents through the Support button in the game settings. They'll help us figure out what's causing this glitch. No worries, we've got you covered!
不推荐零冲, 主线旧农场的任务真的非常非常难,卡在那两个星期了根本打不动。中期的任务,难度却是大后期的,根本没法玩, 虽然这游戏有很多的优点,但我还是打了一星。费肝又费钱...... ---------- Hi! Thanks for your feedback. Surviving the apocalypse is not easy and requires a lot of time and efforts, as well as a good strategy. Streams on YouTube and Twitch can help you find one. See you in LDoE!
为啥你们的更新能慢成这样,AK步枪在游戏刚开始就存在了,但是现在都没有钨能来建造它,制造列表末尾的突击套更是还不存在,全地形车在没出来之前就在中间换过一次模型,甚至当初连一个摩托车都似乎拖了有快一年才出。还有那些地堡,我这有A,B,C,D,R,F,Z地堡的门禁卡,但是游戏到现在也只出了前两个,而且码头实验室两年前就推出了,但是到现在都没有处理器能激活地下列车。 话说你们是不是删了剧情?尤其是关于起源的部分。 ---------- Hello! Thanks for your review! We try to pay attention to all aspects of the game, but we can't improve everything at once in one update. Therefore, changes to the game are being made gradually! If you have ideas to improve the game, share them with us in our official communities on social networks. Good luck:)
还是觉得你们有很多都做得不好,最主要就是没有为玩家着想,我拿个例子,就是阿尔法地堡,40等级就可以进入,但是它的难度完全不是40等级能够进入的,而且,如果不进去,就拿不到摩托的零件,那么就不能把摩托制造出来,我现在接近50等都完全不能打地堡的僵尸,因为里面的僵尸都是体型大的,最难的也是疯狂僵尸,我现在的防御是目前等级最高的,但疯狂僵尸的伤害一下就把我打死了,有时没有注意就直接死了,完全不是40等级能够承受的难度,但不打也不行,不打就拿不到票,拿不到票就拿不到摩托零件,而且武器也不是说很强,勉强能应付而已,还有就是武器的“升级”,这个更离谱,我理解这个“升级”是永久的,但需要的材料也太夸张了,找这些材料都很困难了,有时候需要用到都不够,还来多一个武器“升级”来烦恼,所以我所说的是在这个游戏里所体验的,希望能更改一下 ---------- Hello! Thanks for the review and suggestions! We will certainly pass them to our development team. Stay tuned and we hope you will see some positive changes in the future updates:)
新出的技能有点鸡肋。冷却长,并且切换技能后会重新进去冷却。一张地图根本用不到一两次技能。没有快捷切换技能的按键。而且分解材料百分之95的概率分解10个都出不来一个。你们这个概率是假的吧?希望优化一下。建议能多更新一点新的地图,比如地下停车场,大型城市。里面会有超市,商场等等。地图不同地方获取的物资也不同,比如商场可以获取不同的服装,工具,贵金属等。那么超市当然是食品之类的东西比较多了。希望能够多增添一点娱乐性的玩法,或者角色心情值之类的东西。比如吃坏肚子需要吃药,外伤需要包扎。受伤严重会影响行动之类的。喝酒会无视疼痛,增加攻击力。这样物资更多的来源就是靠搜刮获得。而不是靠击杀僵尸。这样的话就不用让我们和僵尸死磕。就会使游戏更具策略性。整体对游戏很满意,我会一直玩的!希望越做越好。 ---------- Hello. If the problem still occurs, contact us at our support website
作为一名老玩家,我只能说存档的保存非常重要,同时我希望你们的联机组队功能赶紧出来,我非常喜欢1月30日的更新,很不错,希望增加新的玩法。地图还是存在一些bug,希望修复,容易卡住车辆,对了,为什么不增加看广告寻回死亡遗物的功能呢?可以不用全部追回的,能寻回一部分也不错 ---------- Hello! Thank you for being with us all this time! The game is under active development, so the ideas and opinions of the players are especially important for us. We're glad you like the new update! If you have ideas for us or have any difficulties, we're always happy to see you at the Support section in the game settings. Good luck ;)