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NBA League Pass 订户可以访问: – 直播和点播 NBA 比赛。* – 替代流,包括策略流和 Hoopervision – 当地语言广播 – 无需离开游戏即可叠加玩家统计数据、其他比赛的得分和实时赔率 – 针对手机和平板电脑的移动优化游戏流 – 访问 NBA TV 的 24/7 直播和演播室内容** – 访问 NBA 档案并直播最难忘的比赛和时刻。
* 美国和加拿大适用停电和限制。 **NBA TV 在某些市场不可用:白俄罗斯、中国、意大利、缅甸、俄罗斯、西班牙
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当前的 NBA League Pass 和 NBA TV 订阅者可以通过登录应用程序来访问他们的订阅。
购买 NBA League Pass 或 NBA TV 后,您将每 30 天(按月套餐)或每 365 天(按年套餐)通过 Google Play 自动计费,直到您取消订阅为止。订阅激活后不可退款。
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真正喜欢的球队不能每场观看到,不想看的不停的推,很讨厌! ---------- We are sorry for the inconvenience and that you’re not having a good experience in the app! Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We would be happy to look into the issue further if you would like to troubleshoot with us at support.watch.nba.com. Thanks, NBA Support
付费看直播,我好过自己看别边🤦,NBA要赚钱想疯了吗 ---------- Thank you for the review! If you have any suggestions or feedback that can help us improve your experience, please update your review or visit support.watch.nba.com to submit a request to us with more specific details. We would love to hear from you! Thanks, NBA Support
这次的更新……真的 想观看直播,既然给我闪退?! 而且还要付费会员?! 真的是……很难说这次更新只能给三个星 ---------- We are sorry you are having issues with the app! Please clear the app's cache and data then select force stop. If the issue persists, please update your review or visit support.watch.nba.com to submit a request to us. Thanks, NBA Support
找了半天没有更改语言的选项,是我英文太菜还是没有英文选项? ---------- Thank you for the feedback. We will pass along your feedback to the product team. We are really sorry for the trouble, and we appreciate you bringing this issue to our attention. Could you send details of what you are experiencing to our customer support at support.watch.nba.com? Thanks, NBA Support
我小孩不能充钱但又很想看 so sad ---------- Thank you for the review. You will need to purchase a subscription to watch live and replay games. You may check our website at https://watch.nba.com/streaming-subscriptions for the available offers that we currently have. Thanks, NBA Support
对中国大陆居民极不友好,1.不支持简体中文 2.不支持使用人民币支付 3.说好的赛事直播呢? ---------- Thank you for the feedback. Playoffs are subject to broadcast restrictions on League Pass as this event will be shown on TV in local markets. We will pass along your feedback to the product team. We constantly strive to create the best possible experience and we value input from our fans. Thanks, NBA Support
浪费钱!付钱了才说不能在电视上播放!! ---------- We are sorry you are having issues accessing the game. Please visit support.watch.nba.com to submit a ticket with our support team describing your issue in detail so we can further assist. Please include your device and account information. Thanks, NBA Support
目前版本一旦退回桌面再次点进去就会闪退,希望纠正。 ---------- We are really sorry for the trouble and that you are not having a great experience in the app so far, Hanson! Please uninstall and re-install the app. If your issue persists, please visit support.watch.nba.com to submit a ticket describing your concern to our support team so we can help. Thanks, NBA Support
几时才可以更新球员名单或者查看球员薪资 ---------- Thank you for the review. You can quickly find players in the list using the alphabetical scroll when searching players. Unfortunately, player salary is not available but we will pass along your feedback to the product team. Thanks, NBA Support
自动付款 把我钱给充了 明明都不想用了 f ---------- We are sorry you're having issues with your billing and you're not having a great experience with the app so far. Please visit support.watch.nba.com to submit a request to our support team so we can help. Thanks, NBA Support
我可以上到app...可是為甚麼要觀看的時侯沒有视频出現?黑銀幕 ---------- We are really sorry for the trouble and that you are not having a great experience in the app so far, Lau! Please ensure you have the latest version of the app from the Google Play Store. If your issue persists, please update your review or visit support.watch.nba.com to submit a ticket with our support team. Thanks, NBA Support.
为什么要钱才可以看直播呢?要我们浪费那么多的钱,我以为是免费看的。 ---------- Thank you for your review. We are sorry to hear you are disappointed in the pricing for League Pass this year. The NBA is continually evaluating the League Pass offerings and appreciate fan feedback. We will make sure to pass along your comments for the team to review. Thanks, NBA Support
更新后,播放三分钟自动断连,然后自动连接,很不好用 ---------- We are sorry you are having issues with the app disconnecting! If the issue persists, please update your review or visit support.watch.nba.com to submit a request to our support team describing the issue in detail so that we can troubleshoot. Thanks, NBA Product Team
麻醬麵很好吃 魯肉飯的份量很足 酸辣湯的料很多 ---------- Thank you for the 5-star review! We appreciate it and hope you are enjoying the season! Thanks, NBA Product Team
垃圾,月度计划退订退订不了,一直扣钱,垃圾应用,骗子公司 ---------- Thank you for the feedback. If you purchased League Pass through Google Play, you will need to cancel your access through Google Play as well. If you require additional assistance, please visit support.watch.nba.com to submit a request to our support team so that we can continue to investigate. Thanks, NBA Product Team
为什么一下载过后的第二天就会整个不见了? ---------- Thank you for the feedback. Please visit support.watch.nba.com to submit a request to our support team with any other comments or suggestions so that we can continue to improve your experience. Thanks, NBA Product Team
为什么每次下载了都会不见掉,why? ---------- Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry you are having issues with the app. Please visit support.watch.nba.com to submit a request to our support team describing the issue so that we can troubleshoot. Please include your device and account information. Thanks, NBA Product Team
很贵,而且不支持微信支付 ---------- Thank you for the feedback. Please visit support.watch.nba.com to submit a request to our support team with any other comments or suggestions so that we can continue to improve your experience. Thanks, NBA Product Team
为什么我的下载了过一阵子,整个手机应用都找不到也开不到? ---------- Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry you are having issues with the app. Please visit support.watch.nba.com to submit a request to our support team describing the issue so that we can troubleshoot. Please include your device and account information. Thanks, NBA Product Team
下载了 一直不见掉 ---------- Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry you are having issues with the app. Please visit support.watch.nba.com to submit a request to our support team describing the issue so that we can troubleshoot. Please include your device and account information. Thanks, NBA Product Team