for you页面一直显示无网络连接,然后,软件语言把世界语言都集齐了,就是没中文!!看这里的评论这款软件好像是中国的吧 ---------- Dear user, We are sorry for bringing you inconvenience. It is recommended that you switch to a ѴРИ or a stable network and try again. If the problem still exists, please provide problem description and relevant error message screenshots to [Help and Feedback] in the APP/, we will check it as soon as possible. Thank you!
为什么现在不能用FB 和IG 登录了啊?现在FB和 IG每天都在更新要是你们跟不上它们的更新系统以后就不要叫我们玩家用FB 和IG注册比较好换来换很麻烦,还有用手机注册验号又对的?不小心被我删掉了,现在找不到旧账号? ---------- Dear user, If you have accidentally linked two accounts with the same phone number, the account that was linked first (old account) will be unlinked automatically. If you want to link your number to your old account again, please contact us by email:
简易・个人化・安全 WhatsApp | Facebook 旗下产品 WhatsApp Messenger 是在 Andriod 和其它智能手机上使用的即时通讯消息收发手机应用,无需付费即可下载使用。WhatsApp 使用您手机的网络连接(4G/3G/2G/EDGE 或 Wi-Fi,取决于哪种网络可供使用),让您与朋友或家人通话和收发消息,您可由使用短信切换到 WhatsApp 来收发消息、通话、交换照片、视频、文档、和语音消息。 为何要使用 WhatsApp: • 免费使用:WhatsApp 使用您手机的网络连接(4G/3G/2G/EDGE 或 Wi-Fi,取决于哪种网络可供使用)让您与朋友或家人通话和收发消息,因此您无需为每一消息或通话另外付费。* 使用 WhatsApp 也不必另付月费。 • 多媒体功能:收发照片、视频、文档、与语音消息。 • 免费通话:就算您的朋友及家人身在其它国家,您也可使用 WhatsApp Calling 免费与他们通话。 WhatsApp 通话以您的网络全球短视频创作平台。特效工具,潮流视频&社区。 Likee,原LIKE短视频,是全球广受欢迎的原创短 ---------- Dear user, To help us quickly solve your issue, please describe in detail the issues your are experiencing. We will try our best to follow it up. Thank you for your continued support, it would really help us further optimize Likee and provide a better user experience for you, if you could kindly support us with a 5-star rating.