廣告時間太长又多😒 ---------- Dear user, we understand your concerns about ads. We aim to balance free app access with necessary advertisements. If you've encountered inappropriate ads or display issues, please report them through the 'Help Center' option. We're continuously working to improve the ad experience.
在play store下载完全打不开,在google chrome下载的完全能打开。但是google chrome下载后千万不要看见play store显示更新就去更新。更新完后直接彻底打不开,这是play store在搞鬼。 ---------- Thanks for your feedback. Please contact us at 【paint_support@dailyinnovation.biz】 to share a detailed description of your uncomfortable feelings with us. We'll work hard to bring you a better game experience. Have a nice day!
越玩越讨厌 第一 很多广告(刚开始没有 后来越来越多) 第二 会莫名其妙闪退 什么也没有按 就直接退出 网络也检查了 第三 有些格子真的太小 需要提示才能找到 而且要提示的时候要看广告 很烦 但是整体还算不错 希望官方改进一下问题就很好了 ---------- Hi there, We’re sorry you had to face this issue! Please tap on the gear icon in the top right corner of my work, click Settings -» Find Leave Feedback -» Sent us an email. Please tell us the detail of the problem you come across and a screenshot or the video of the problem will help us a lot. We'll be happy to assist you to receive the email 😊