Buku Gambar Labyrinth
- 更新日期:
- 包名:
- ariyanki.bukugambarlabirin
- 版本:
- 2.6
- 大小:
- 4.2M
- 类型:
- 家庭 艺术和设计
- 平台:
- 安卓
- 评分:
- 发布日期:
- 2016-03-05
- 价格:
- 免费
- 开发者:
- Kanyaraku
Buku Gambar Labyrinth应用截图
Buku Gambar Labyrinth应用简介
Visit this youtube channel for drawing example:
This application is for our children to draw or coloring or play labyrinth. There are 6 levels maze and 21 mazes for each level in this application.
If your child likes to just doing sketches in papers or you are often buy drawing book then this application is suitable for your child. With this application you don’t have to frequently buy your child a drawing book and waste papers.
Lets use paper as needed and use this digital drawing book.
With this we can Save the trees, use less paper.
Features in Drawing / Coloring Book:
– Pencil Icon is used to draw / coloring mode.
– Eraser Icon is used to erase the sketch.
– Color Icon is used to choose color for drawing / coloring.
– Circle Icon is used to choose size of the brush.
– Number Icon is used to choose the labyrinth shape.
– Left Arrow Icon is used to undo the sketch.
– Right Arrow Icon is used to redo the sketch after undo.
– New File Icon is used to start a new canvas or to remove all sketch on the canvas.
– Camera Icon is used to save the sketch to photo gallery.
– Question Mark Icon is used to show the user manual.
– 铅笔图标是用来绘制/着色模式。
– 橡皮擦图标用来擦除草图。
– 彩色图标用来选择绘图/着色颜色。
– 圆圈图标来选择画笔的大小。
– 数字图标来选择迷宫的形状。
– 左箭头图标用来取消草图。
– 右箭头图标是用来重做撤消后的草图。
– 新的文件图标来启动新的画布或删除画布上的所有草图。
– 相机图标用来保存草图照相馆。
– 问号图标是用来显示用户手册。
类似Buku Gambar Labyrinth应用