Hills of Steel 可能是最令人上瘾的基于物理的坦克动作游戏!而且是免费的!穿越山丘,用钢铁碾压敌人。从倒下的敌人那里收集战利品,并使用您能找到的最佳升级和特殊武器来增强您的车辆。解锁新的可定制坦克,英勇地从一个战场到另一个战场,一直到未来派的月球。通过一次赢得一场坦克战来获得条纹,并逐步攀升,成为世界上有史以来最伟大的战争元帅!如果你喜欢驾驶重型..
您享受疯狂实验、恐龙进化及竞速游戏吗?快到超级实验室去混合DNA来创造融合的侏罗纪世界动物吧!创造出最强壮的恐龙跑者,并与其他突变动物一同赛跑。在这款有趣的恐龙游戏中发展您的创造力和科学天赋吧!创建你的恐龙跑者培育出能够奔跑、战斗、游泳甚至飞行的终极恐龙变种人!使用不同的 DNA 注射为霸王龙添加翅膀,或教翼龙游泳。在这个疯狂的恐龙游戏中,您可以使用数十种升..
您是否曾经想成为一名拼车司机?Pick Me Up 是一款有趣且令人上瘾的汽车游戏,挑战您在繁忙的街道上导航并接载乘客。接送客户以赚钱并升级。探索世界,发现新的纪念碑。小心驾驶,避免事故,以赚取积分并升级您的汽车。Pick Me Up 具有简单的控制和引人入胜的游戏玩法,非常适合所有年龄段的休闲游戏玩家。立即下载并开始驾驶!特点:- 简单直观的一键式控制- ..
玩一关就有5-6个广告,广告跳了又来一个,很浪费时间!已经严重破坏了玩家游玩的体验,关了WiFi,又拿不到免费升级的广告,烂! ---------- We're disappointed to hear that you didn't like our game, but we appreciate your honesty. We'll use your feedback to make improvements in the future.
这个游戏很好玩,很有体验感,又可以在 无网络的时候玩
好玩,唯一问题是广告太多 ---------- Hi! We had to add the ads in our game, as it's a way to keep the game free for download and after watching ads you can get a bonus. Our team will be glad to hear your suggestions for improving the game, please send them to info@aigames.ae. Thank you!
广告多到不能讲,过完一招一个广告,打完后又一个广告 ---------- We understand how ads can be really annoying sometimes but we did our best to minimize them as much as possible for your comfort! Ads are what allow us to keep growing & improving the game so we thank you for patience and understanding!
(这只是我的个人意见, 不要被我的评价而影响你对游戏的心) (还有,我更喜欢以前的画面) 能否增加改变语言的功能? 能的话,我给五星!!! 另外对这个更新的评价: 兄弟, 语言改变的功能呢? 还有, 我金牌3的坦克在仓库咋变金牌1了? 更离谱的是,敌人好歹也是金牌1,就被我一个满星技能爆了,有没有离谱一点 这次的更新的确不错,bug也修了,就是少了些感觉 以前的进场画面没了有点可惜,不过可以加点东西吗? 包括语言更换功能 能的话, 我给五星! ---------- Hi! We are sorry that your game experience wasn't perfect. Could you kindly tell us more about the problem you are facing? We are looking to improve the game. Thanks.
广告真的太严重了,开始前,广告。。一分钟打完,广告。。开箱子,广告。。 强迫性要逼买无广告也不是那样的。。 ---------- Hi! We appreciate your interest in our game! We understand that the ads are irritating, but we need the revenue to improve our game. We are doing our best to minimize them as much as possible to your comfort! Please give our game another chance.
为什么我瞄准了坦克,子弹跑反方向 ---------- Sorry to hear you are unsatisfied with our game. I hope you can enjoy our app in the future.
爛死了玩一局五六個廣告根本是要讓人煩躁花錢買無廣告體驗極差垃圾 ---------- Hello there! Without ads, the game can't continue being free-to-play. Thank you for your understanding!
把网络关了可以玩,那样没有广告,可是那个闯关的就很烦,第三关必须看广告才能打过去,即便百分百命中也不行,而且真的至于一炮一个广告吗?游戏更新也少,你这游戏,能玩,但是,不建议玩,毕竟就是一个广告游戏 ---------- Hi! We appreciate your interest in our game! We understand that the ads are irritating, but we need the revenue to improve our game. We are doing our best to minimize them as much as possible to your comfort!
游戏广告非常多,其次游戏缺乏坦克的更新和升级,游戏地图可以加强和提升更多好玩的模式,与此同时线上online模式玩家逃跑率太高,希望可以做出奖惩机制 ---------- Sorry for you feeling upset with this fact. We're constantly improving our game and we'll take into account your feedback. Thank you for making an input in the development!
在怎么那么多弹窗广告?玩一把就有四五个,只要对方攻击完就弹窗?你弹窗可以,但是在玩家游玩期间弹放弹窗广告就严重播放玩家的游玩体验了。要放弹窗广告就要在玩家完成游戏的时候放,在玩家游玩期间放弹窗广告这种行为是真的太难看了,不仅会把游戏变卡而且还令人高血压。有人说关网,是的,关网可以,但拿不到一些升级武器的奖励了,就感觉很亏。劝官方好好修改弹窗广告的机制,要把玩家当人看而不是把玩家当成为你赚钱的机器。 ---------- Hello there! Tank Stars can't continue being free-to-play without having advertisements. If you have encountered any issues in the game, then please tell us about that by sending a message to our email address: info@aigames.ae